Monday, 23 March 2015

Winter Photography Scavenger Hunt

Spring is officially here (even if it doesn't feel like it yet) and the Winter Photography Scavenger Hunt organised by Eileen and Joy is over. I spent the final day (Saturday) catching up with all those photos that fall into the 'I know where it is; I just need to take the photo' category.

The original list had 20 items, plus two that could be substituted if necessary. I was on 13 last time I checked in, but I've made good progress in the last two weeks, and actually got all of them, if you accept my interpretations of the prompts. If not, I have both substitute items too.

Here are all my winter finds:

1. Reflection in water
13 December - Grasmere

2. Someone wearing a funny hat
13 December

3. Ornate door knocker
6 February - Greenwich

4. Breakfast

5. Something that is over 100 years old
2 January - Old London Bridge alcove

6. Winter weather
It's been a warm winter here, not much frost or snow, but plenty of rain (which is quite hard to photograph).

7. Someone dressed for the season
Me, in my winter coat.

8. A fish
21 February - Thames Path

9. Festive lights

10. A letter shape in nature or in an object
11 January - North Woolwich

11. Polka dots
21 March - I'm a scrapbooker. I have paper, including polka dot paper.

12. Silhouette
21 February - City of London

13. Stained glass window
11 January - Plaistow

14. Partly built new building
20 January - Greenwich Peninsula

15. Bunting
21 February - Brunel Museum, Rotherhithe

16. A collection (of anything)
21 March - Some of my Pocket Dragons

17. Texture
12 December - ice on the car roof

18. Shadow
10 March - Mine, on the Golden Jubilee Sundial, Westminster

19. Street musicians
10 March - South Bank, London

20. Nativity scene  - compulsory and can’t be substituted.
21 March - I started the hunt after Christmas, so I thought I'd missed my chance for this one, but this is an illustration from my Children's Bible.

Alternative A - New life
21 March - Shoots on our snowball bush

Alternative B - A decorated tree
21 December - Royal Exchange, London

So that's it. Another hunt over. Come and see what everyone else found via the link-up In Eileen's Playroom.

And then start counting the weeks until Rinda launches her Summer Hunt. 


  1. Great job! That texture is really impressive! I needed to use both alternatives myself.
    Never got the musicians or door knocker. Need to post a round up soon.

  2. A great set of photos. The ice on the car is impressive. You travelled around well on your hunt!

  3. Thanks for taking part, and well done for completing. I love the ice picture. Joy xx
