Sunday 31 December 2023

Au Revoir

This is the post I wrote at the start of the year:

"Things have been a bit quiet around here recently, with tumbleweed blowing across the blog. I lost my crafting mojo for a while and even when I did make anything I really couldn't be bothered with photographing it and blogging it. I even considered giving up entirely. However, new year and new focus. I have been scrapbooking and I feel  that if I stop blogging I might regret it later, but I am unlikely to regret carrying on, at least for the time being. 

I'm not promising regular posts again, but I do have a few ready and lined up from what I have made and not shared in the last month or so. I am also still creating for Twilight Crafts so you will see projects for them too.

Away from crafting, I want to continue with my local project of walking in all the grid squares in Thurrock (I have a walk blog post coming up) and further afield I need to complete the Capital Ring. I'd reached Wembley in March 2020, just before the world closed down, and I'm ready to go back. To be honest, I just want that walk over and done with as it's been underwhelming and I have another long distance walk planned for afterwards."

And now, at the end of the year:

The blog has gone quiet again, with long periods this year when I didn't post at all. I've always said that I blog for myself as a record of what I've done, and it's a bonus if anyone else reads it. If I'm finding it a chore, then why continue? I might regret stopping, but right now I prefer to put what free time I have towards scrapbooking and memory-keeping rather then blogging, so I'm pressing pause on the blog. It remains to be seen whether or not I press play again at some point in the future.

I'm still on the design team for Twilight Crafts so you may see those projects pop up on their Instagram or blog, or in scrapbooking groups on Facebook.

Away from crafting, I did finish the Capital Ring this year with three (unblogged) walks. There's a chance I will blog these just for my own records, so I have notes if I decide to make a scrapbook or mini-book for it later on. Locally, I haven't done any more grid squares and that may be my focus this year as I should be able to fit short local walks in around work (where we are still chronically understaffed which is having an effect on the rest of my life).

So, for now, it's au revoir! I may be back, but no promises.

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