Sunday 5 May 2024

Too Cute to Spook

My blog is evolving again, and is now less of a chore, so I've decided to split out my DT pages for Twilight Crafts into their own posts, unless the page is part of a set.

First up this month is a Hallowe'en page using a photo from 2003 that I recently acquired. The quality isn't great but it's all I have. 

I used the Too Cute to Spook 2 cut-file as my title, cutting the whole thing once and just the pumpkins a second time. I then doodled on the pumpkin pieces and layered them up over the base cut-file which I backed with a polka dot paper.

I don't generally buy Hallowe'en papers but I had a couple of sheets and some stickers in a mystery box so put them to use as my background here. I then layered the photo up with my last scraps of October Afternoon paper, which I originally bought for my Harry Potter Studio Tour album. Finally I punched a few circles, placed them in a line top and bottom,  and stitched them in place.

Supplies: Cardstock - Papermania; Paper - Pebbles Spooky, October Afternoon Witch Hazel; Puffy Stickers - Pebbles; Enamel Dots - Doodlebug, Eyelet Outlet

Disclosure - I receive digital cut-files free of charge from Twilight Crafts as part of my DT role. All other supplies are my own.

(Page 41 of 2024)

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