Last year Eileen (In my Playroom) and Joy (Daisy Row) joined forces to run a winter version which I thoroughly enjoyed. Happily it's back again this year, running from 1 December to the Spring equinox on 21st March.
As with the summertime hunt, there are 21 items to find, with a few alternatives in case they are needed. The full list is:
1. A robin redbreast
2. Tinsel
3. Outside lighting
4. A star
5. A snowman
6. A puddle
7. Berries and/or nuts
8. A wreath
9. A tree that has lost all its leaves
10. A windy day
11. Your favourite pudding
12. A fancy button
13. Street art
14. Afternoon tea
15. Candle light
16. A chimney
17. A ladder
18. An arrow
19. A fountain
20. Cutlery
21. Your own handwriting (this one is compulsory and cannot be substituted)
Alt A. A supermarket trolley or basket, filled with shopping
Alt B. An animal statue
Alt C. Metal railings
One month gone, and these are my finds so far:
3. Outside lighting - a house that I pass on my way home from work.
It's the only one in the street that's decorated so it really stands out:
4. A star - on our Christmas tree
6. A puddle - in the Lake District
7. Berries (and/or nuts)
8. A wreath
9. A tree that has lost all its leaves
16. A chimney
Alt C. Metal railings
Most of these photos were taken close to home, so I've done the easy outdoor ones now. I should have done the tinsel, the candle light, the cutlery and the shopping trolley, but I haven't yet. I spotted an animal statue recently when I didn't have my camera with me, so I shall return to take that photo.
A few items on the list are going to need some luck or some travelling. We have a robin who generally winters in our garden so I'm hoping to photograph him. I know a couple of places for good street art, and a few for fountains. A snowman? Unless the weather co-operates I don't think that will be a real one this winter.
There's still plenty of time for you to join in too. Hop over to Joy or Eileen who are hosting an end-of-month link-up where we can share our progress so far.