Monday 9 August 2021

Summer Photography Scavenger Hunt - July Finds

Today's the second check-in with this year's Summer Photography Scavenger Hunt, organised by Mary-Lou at Patio Postcards. This runs from 1st June to 30th September with 20 items to find and photograph; you can find the full list on her original blog post.

I found five of them in June, which put me on schedule at the time, but have fourr for July so I'm running behind now. I'm not bothered though as we have a few days away planned, and that should include some good scavenger hunting opportunities.

3. Something To Represent Home But Not The Building
I've gone with my keys here

6. Something That Makes You Laugh or Happy
This phone box made me smile, the smallest museum I've ever seen. You can't go inside, but there is an information panel to one side and buttons for audio commentary on the other. It doesn't quite fit the prompt but it's the best I have for now.

16. A Guilty Pleasure
Afternoon Tea (an anniversary present that was much delayed by Covid).

18. Upside Down, Right Side Up
This bottle was given to our son as a present, but it was designed for a pub optic.

I really need to spend some time outside this month (for What's in Bloom and Head in the Clouds). I have an idea for Steps and that's outside too, as will be the Delivery Truck and the Local Landmark.

Mary-Lou is hosting a link-up so if you pop over to her blog you'll find links to the other participants. And it's not too late for you to join in too.


  1. Thanks Amanda for joining in with SPSH. I chuckled at the upside down bottle, a perfect find! Oh to afternoon tea parties out again, yours looks very yummy. I like your cat keychain.

  2. I love a good cream tea - my favourite one includes bottomless prosecco too. Where is the phone box museum? I will have to visit that one day!

  3. Covid has delayed so many things. Glad you were finally able to have tea.
