Thursday 1 April 2021

Winter Photography Scavenger Hunt - The Finale

The Winter Photography Scavenger Hunt organised by Eileen at A Bracelet of Days ended yesterday. It ran for four months but I started slowly then hibernated for a bit and I've found most of these during March.

Eileen gave us a list of twenty items to find and photograph plus three alternatives in case any proved to be impossible. As always, they are a mixture of difficulties, but this year she also bore in mind that many of us might be living under Covid restrictions, and that has certainly been the case here in the UK.

I decided to take as many of my photos as possible outside, and here they are:

1. A Set of Three
Three greylag geese

2. Round and Round
Ivy wending its way round and round a tree trunk.

3. Peek Inside
A peek inside my garden shed. The door doesn't shut properly and I had birds nesting there last year. I wonder if they will be back?

4. Glass
A miscellany of drinking vessels.

6. Horizontal
The treads on these steps.

7. An Opening
Leading onto a footpath

8. A Sign of the Times
The obvious 

9. Weather Conditions
Snow in February

10. Work in Progress
Mini-book making. Come back soon to see the finished project.

11. Measures
I've taken 'measures' to make my T-square easier to spot on my desk. I used to lose it all the time because it's clear, but the strips of washi I added make it easier to see.

12. In the Distance
The towers of Canary Wharf, about 13 miles away.

13. Something Beginning with C
Chinodoxa (Glory of the Snow)

14. One of Many
Blackthorn blossom

15. Something with Legs
A cockerel weathervane

16. A Face
Barney the Bear

18. Something You Do Every Day
Eating an apple

19. Something Yellow

20. Marking Time
One of these marks time better than the other.

Alt A. In Pieces
My Christmas jigsaw

Alt C. Black and white
A zebra crossing

I completely forgot to photograph any comfort food (my chocolate mug cake would have been good) and dithered about a treasured item for a long time without deciding what to pick, so in the end I used two of the alternatives for those.

Eileen is hosting a final link-up this week, so please do hop over there and see what everyone else has found.


  1. What a great selection. Your 'round and round' is cleverly seen and I love your 'face' with Barney the Bear making an appearance.

    Thanks for joining in. I hope it brought you some fun during lockdown!

  2. I love your selection! "Black and white" was clever, as was "an apple a day"!
