Friday 1 February 2019

Winter Photography Scavenger Hunt - Foreign Finds

I normally have some 'foreign finds' on my Summer Photography Scavenger Hunts, but it's unusual for the winter hunts. However, we took a short cruise to Amsterdam and Hamburg last month and that yielded a few opportunities.

The Winter Hunt is run by Eileen at A Bracelet of Days who has set us a list of twenty items to find plus two alternatives in case any of the twenty prove to be impossible. I'd found six items on a trip to the Lake District at the beginning of December, including plenty of natural features, but there were going to be less of those in the cities we visited this time.

We left the London International Cruise Terminal towards the end of the day, with the tug that was assisting us casting a Pool of Light (no. 2) on the water

and headed for Amsterdam. Once there we took a boat trip on the canals and then walked round the city, using the various Crossing Places (no. 14) aka bridges to get about.

Moving on to Hamburg the next day, the main attraction was the Christmas markets there, but we decided to explore the city a little first. 

Almost immediately, we saw this marching band, A Group Activity (no.5),  in one of the main shopping streets.

Wandering between the landmarks on our map, we found A Carved Object (no. 19),

a replica of the Maoi statues found on Easter Island, which was carved from a piece of volcanic stone from there.

In St Nicholas' Christmas Market, we saw a very Orange (no. 17) stall, selling thousands of the fruit.

It was freezing cold in Hamburg and although we were Dressed for the Season (no. 11) we needed to warm up with some mulled wine in the Weihnachtsmarkt.

Back on board our ship, there were a few Instructions (no. 13) around our cabin and bathroom, including this one above the toilet (which uses a vacuum system to flush):

I've duplicated a few of these from December, but I have now bagged nine of Eileen's list (plus a few still in the camera which I'll blog next month). We're only halfway through, so plenty of time for you to join in too.

1 comment:

  1. Great finds so far. I chuckled over your Instructions - I can only imagine how painful that might be if one ignored this instruction.
