It's been a slow start here with just one photo taken earlier this month, and it was this deadline that finally got me out and about with my camera. I've not been far from home since the Hunt began so my finds this month are a mix of local nature and street furniture.
2. Something with or in a knot
6. Something in the shape of a triangle
7. Something that displays a rule(s)
8. A leaf longer than my hand
9. Something that starts with the initial of your name: Alchemilla mollis
16. Something with rough texture
17. Something naturally round
Part of our local 'Covid Snake' of painted pebbles
A. An animal statue
C. Something with four sides
The hunt lasts until 30 September, so you have plenty of time to join us. Just hop over to Patio Postcards, declare your intent in the comments and Mary-Lou will include you in next month's link-up post.